Club Kit
We have club running vests and tops available in two colours, red and blue, for both male and female. We also have a club navy hoodie and Harey 8 buff.
Visit our online shop to order any club kit.
We don’t have all the items in stock so please allow time for ordering and delivery.
Any questions or suggestions please email the Club Kit Officer.
Essential Running Kit – Winter
For all our winter runs please bring a head or body torch and reflective vest or jacket – even when running around the town not everywhere has street lights.
Head torch, as simple as this £17 unit, can be bought on amazon.
Reflective Vest, from £5, can be bought on amazon, or any sport shop.
Remember, Safety and avoiding injury is key!
Recommended Running Kit
Good quality trainers – we run a mixture of on road, track and trail runs, see our Training schedule. Depending on how keen you are you might want to consider more than one type of trainers for the different runs!